Dear Life is a new online and print publication reflecting the varying rhythms of language, nature, our bodies, our relationships, and the home. We feature both emerging and established writers alike across all(ish) literary genres. Submissions for our monthly online features are open on a rolling basis, and all will be considered, too, for our inaugural print issue. We’d love to hear from you!

So, please—send us your poetry, your fiction, your essays, meditations, and vignettes, with lengths ranging from one sentence (seriously) to 5,000 words (even more seriously). Send us your satirical odes and your most affecting memoirs, your comedies, tragedies, recipes, romances, and histories. Ghosts, too, are welcome. We only ask that your voice is present in your words, and that your words relate, in some immanent way, to one (or more) of our prompts:

Dear mind. Dear body. Dear dear. Dear home. Dear life.



Please email all written submissions in .doc or .docx format to dearlifemag@gmail.com. If your piece relies heavily on formatting (such as in poetry), please include a .pdf copy in addition to the .doc/.docx. If you are submitting visual art, please also submit your work as an attachment (as opposed to including it in the body of the email).

Please write the genre of your submission in the subject line of your email (e.g., “[GENRE] SUBMISSION”).

Please do not send work that has been published previously.

Submissions are blind, so please do not include your name on the document itself. Do be sure, however, to include the title of your piece in the body of your email AND on the document!

We do accept simultaneous submissions, but we ask that you alert us via email and withdraw your submission as soon as possible if your piece has been accepted elsewhere.

(Q: Do you accept multiple submissions? A: Yes! But please submit them as separate emails.)

Readers are all volunteer, so please allow sixty to ninety days to receive a response!
After that time, please feel free to reach out and follow up.

Finally, we are unable to offer monetary compensation for publication at this time, but we’re working on making this possible in the future.